Sunday, October 24, 2010

What's the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?


Ask me anything

What was your favorite birthday gift?


Ask me anything

What one thing are you exceptionally good at?

....sleeping~! xD

Ask me anything

What was your favorite birthday gift?

.....................I love all so far~

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

TOKYO~!....uhm...and Dublin...:D

Ask me anything

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?

.....Len Kagamine's Discotheque Love~!

Ask me anything

What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?


Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated musician?

Michael Jackson?? Hehe....

Ask me anything

If you could become any fictional character, who would you be?

Minerva Paradizzo~ (Arty's pair...xD) or any other anime character will do...xD

Ask me anything

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite genre of music?

rock or anime style

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest woman alive?


Ask me anything

What was the best concert you went to?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite genre of music?

I answered that already..=.=

Ask me anything

What household chore do you hate to do the most?


Ask me anything

Ask me anything

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

an teh anime world~

Ask me anything

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?


Ask me anything

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?


Ask me anything

What's the furthest you've ever traveled?

If for my entire life....either Aparri or Masbate...its still during my childhood so don't remember much..xD

Ask me anything

What's your favorite sport?

anything that I can do while sitting...xD

Ask me anything

What's the origin of your name?

Katrina->from the name Irina (my closest Ninang)
Philline-->Philip and Lynn
Mae--> my aunt's name, I guess?

Ask me anything

Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star Wars

Ask me anything

What would your perfect day look like?

worry or problem free...

Ask me anything

What's your favorite genre of music?

rock..or something fast like those of animes...xD

Ask me anything

What's the secret to happiness?

is physical exercise...(LOL)-->an exerpt from Night of the Museum 2...xD

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest woman alive?

I don't know...I don't even know all the women in this world, the more would I not know the sexiest among them..=.=

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?


Ask me anything

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

there are too many things that are on top of my list so i'll just go for...almost eveything my friends did for me...:D

Ask me anything

What was the most interesting place you've traveled to?


Ask me anything

Artemis Fowl II

       Most of you might have already known Artemis Fowl II....

     I am a very vivid fan of his. I love his coolness and all... I always fall for intelligent and witty men..Yes...HE'S A GENIUS~~~!!
Anyway, the main point for today is to give you a little background info of him and his comrades....:D 

Artemis Fowl II
            He is a criminal mastermind. He is a child genius. He is from teh famous Irish Fowl Empire...Most of his ancestors have really went for the crooked way. They're family motto is "Aurum est Potestas", meaning "Gold is Power". Ohh....I'm still starting and I feel down because I have too much to say but I'm too lazy to type all of then I'll shorten this up. Through is cunning ways, he was able to find out about the "fairies". Then, he kidnapped a Lep officer, namely Holly Short. He asks for a ransom of one ton of 24 karat pure gold. he knows they can't say no to him because teh fairies, for centuries, hid theirselves from humans to maintain peace and harmony(sorry, it's really a long story). In the end, he sets Holly Short free, got half ton of the gold he was asking for, and his mother got cured from her depression with Captain Holly Short's magic and with that, their history began....So, here are the pictures if the cast~!! 

Arty(Artemis Fowl II)

cute and cool aren't they? they are just fan arts though...

and here's Holly Short....

She's an elfin so she's short and brownish...She has hazel eyes and auburn hair...I have a feeling she likes Artemis...xD

And here's Minerva Paradizzo~!

I can't find much cute pics of her since she only came out in the fifth book of the series..But Arty and her sure are compatible since she's also a genius...xD I so love this pair..<3

I haven't found cute pics of Foaly(a technologically genius centaur), Butler(Artemis friend and body guard) and the rest of the casts...I only included the top three...xD I'll try completing it someday though....:D Wait for that okay?